How to Pick a New Care Management Software for Your Care Home?

An appropriate care management software will relieve the pressure, improve your profit-making capacity, and influence the extent to which you can improve the quality of care offered. Not only will it benefit your staff members, but your clients as well, and cover such aspects as rostering, home care, or invoicing for NDIS.

However, before you commit to a new care management software package, certain factors have to be put into consideration to ensure that the product is the best to be incorporated into your business. It will be important to compare the different packages or providers to what best suits your organisation's size, objectives and ultimately, its budget amongst other areas.

With that in mind let me proceed regarding the following question: what is care management software and how can someone choose between the different available options?

How to Select a Care Management Software for Your Care Home?

Hear this if you just felt you were lost in the overwhelming choices available for your online classes. The reading under consideration proposes the following procedure that may facilitate a rapid comparison of the packages.

Outline Your Needs

So, do not rush straight to software features, trying to find the one that is the most important for your organisation instead, think about it. Some things you should consider include:

  • Depending on the number of staff members in the organisation, how many of them would require the software for their line of work? This may outcome in the overall cost you pay for the particular item.
  • What are your principal goals? For instance, you might need to make invoicing less of a headache, have error-free rostering, manage clients’ data shared among several carers, spend less time on paperwork, or imagine an easy-to-follow process for your staff. In the case of having more than one goal, determine which of them is more important.
  • What are the necessary features, and would you like to have which extra features? For example, you may prioritise the need for rostering and integration with accounting software but discover that having fancy NDIS funds management would be useful, but not urgent.

Compare Features and Support

At the least, the care management software you choose to go with should have all of the features listed above. It’s also worth considering the following factors:


  • Ease of Use: How easy is the software for the students to use? Is it able to perform replication or copy functions of events and settings at a fast data rate? The fear is that the clients, especially those will low levels of technological literacy, will be able to use it. Will it lighten carers’ load and become a helpful tool in daily practice or will it increase the amount of work and complicate things? List how the frequent activities of the staff members and clients will look like in this software and then simulate these tasks in all the available tools.
  • Training: Is training available? If so how is it Organised Knowledge? Online or face-to-face meetings would allow a question-and-answer session. However, in a scenario where you are hiring new employees, you might want to use the online videos and help centres even more.
  • Support: What if something goes wrong, or you do not understand a particular function? Will support services be provided at all times, or limited hours similar to business organizations during the working day? Have you a telephone I can dial? Is it possible to be assigned an account manager who can help sometimes?
  • Security and Compliance: What will effectively be done to my data? How often will it be backed up? In totality, how adequate are the software providers’ security up to the required privacy standards and legislation?
  • Pricing: Is there a higher package in which there is a higher price? Do you additionally require add-ons, extensions or plug-ins to facilitate all the functions or tasks you intend to achieve within the said software application? Does this mean that there will be additional charges when clients or users increase? And if so, is it possible to change this package to a smaller or a bigger one during the stay in the restaurant? Will the sending of an SMS or an email entail a certain cost?


Once you have gone through all the above-mentioned aspects, you should have a clue whether or not the software on paper is going to be beneficial for your business. Your next step is to evaluate if it measures up to that.

Request a Free Trial or Demo

Many companies that sell or develop care management software will be able to provide you with a demo of the software or allow you to use it for free for a certain amount of time. But I think a Free Trial is better because, unlike in a Demo, you can test the software on your own time and, if needed, for several days to get the true feel of the product and its user-friendliness.

Make a list of activities that you would like to test with the software and attempt to do at least one of the activities with the software during the trial period of the software. You can also sample some of your team members to come and use it and give their opinion of the program too. Whenever you are operating the software, always jot down the questions so that you can consult the provider.

If you’re still struggling to choose between two options or make a decision, refer to the needs and objectives list you’ve compiled in the first step of this guide. Out of the software products that you have explored in the evaluation, which one will meet the objectives set right at the beginning?

Is The Customer Support Department of The Company Reliable?

Like it or not, no matter how well-optimized and penned your software code perhaps, issues and blunders will crop up. Thus, one should choose a supplier which has a good support team and many assistance materials. Think, is there more than one option of how you can instantly contact somebody (Twitter, live chat, email, phone, etc.)?

Inquire as to when the problem must be taken to the next level, and how such incidents are addressed or resolved. Look for testimonials of the customer. Research on their customer satisfaction ratio. It does not appear as though they take feedback as a high priority. For example, does the company have a recent update frequency (which implies they enhance their platform and follow their client’s suggestions)?


Finally, here are a few things to recall any time you are out searching for the best care management software. This will inevitably result in coming up with something strong, dependable and suitable for the facility.


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